It is simply et cetera, depending on the abbreviation used. This is typically a directory that contains the configuration files for all programs that are hosted on Linux or Unix. The /opt option allows you to install third-party applications that do not conform to Linux’s standard file hierarchy. Mount point for temporary use when attaching your USB stick. With /lib, kernel modules and shared libraries can be installed. These directories can be found in /home/ User HOME.

Binaries with system administration functions can be found here. Static files are stored in /boot, which is the boot loader. The directory /dev contains device files, such as your CD drive, hard drive, or any other type of physical device. What is /etc? Does it mean something in an acronym, like ‘et cetera’? Everything in Linux/Unix, the assumption goes, is a file. The etc command can also be used to edit the system’s configuration files. The etc command can be used to display the contents of the system’s configuration files, such as the file system table, the network configuration file, and the system’s environment variables. The etc command in Linux is a command line utility that is used to display information about the system’s configuration files.